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Mindfulness is More than a Technique – Zurich (September 27-29, 2013) and Tour of CERN – Geneva (September 25th, 2013), Switzerland

September 25, 2013 September 29, 2013 UTC-8

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be leading a weekend of Dharma talks and instruction sessions on Buddhist meditation in Switzerland. Starting with recent discoveries in the neuropsychology of meditation he will highlight how both stress and attentive-loving-clear-mindfulness alters every aspect of our physiology; right through to the genetic level. Lama Mark will explain the essence and purpose behind the Buddha’s classic discourse called The Four Foundations of Mindfulness and the necessity of loving-kindness to support meditation. Then he will clarify that mindfulness is essential but one of a number of indispensable qualities that must be recognized and nurtured for worthy meditation and for unfolding our Awake-compassionate qualities. In addition he will outline the vast dimensions of mindfulness, including a survey of the ten classic meditations on mindfulness, common misunderstandings and ‘pit-falls’ to be avoided. Lama Mark will briefly connect this essential training to include the approaches found in the Mahamudra and Dzogchen traditions.

Lama Mark writes: “Without developing a high degree of mindfulness, concentration does not get very strong and for sure, Insight (Vipassana) into the nature of self and phenomena will be scattered at best. Our organisms are highly attentive, moment by moment to inner and outer things, even if the “we” is not. Why not allow the natural attentiveness open to conscious awareness? It is quite straightforward—one must train—but mindfulness requires a good deal more than technique. One must really understand where one is headed. However, to discover the natural mindfulness or lucid awareness, it requires us to make discoveries and relax into non-clinging. And this art must be taught. Non-clinging is inherent in every moment of awareness. Let’s learn to wake this up. When we deepen this Insight with compassion it’s one of the most intelligent, loving activities we could ever cultivate.”

Class Schedule for Mindfulness is More than a Technique:
Friday September 27th: 7:30 pm
Saturday, September 28th: 9:30 am and 730 pm
Sunday, September 29th: 9:30 am and 4:00 pm
The weekend of teachings will take place in Zürich. For more information on the location, the teachings and accommodation please contact Eva & Michael Gohl at <namgyal-schweiz@bluewin.ch>